Belknap House II

The Laconia Daily Sun featured Belknap House II and our remarkable resident, Betty, on the front page! We are thrilled about Betty being the first Belknap House resident to 'graduate' to our new property at the beginning of this month and want to express our gratitude for the incredible community effort that made her move possible.

Over the past 14 months, Betty has worked tirelessly to bring her family together and make this transition a reality—and she has done so with grace and warmth. Anyone who has met Betty knows that she embodies care and represents what Belknap House stands for. We are grateful to St. James Episcopal Church for the endowment that allowed us to purchase this building, and to the local businesses and organizations that have helped furnish it with appliances. Thanks to community members like you, we are empowered to support more families in need!


4th Annual Plant Sale


NH Gives